Châteauguay-Lery green corridor : 5 million in federal funding to protect land

The objective of the CMM and the municipalities of Léry and Châteauguay is to create a large 200-hectare metropolitan park in the area known as the green corridor. (Photo : Le Soleil - Archives)
The Government of Canada is providing $5 million in financial assistance to the Communauté métropolitaine de Montréal (CMM) to acquire and protect land in the Châteauguay-Lery green corridor.
Translation Amanda Bennett
The objective of the CMM and the municipalities of Léry and Châteauguay is to create a large 200-hectare metropolitan park in the area known as the green corridor. To date, some 50 hectares have been preserved, mainly through land acquisition.
Mature forests, such as those found here in Châteauguay and Léry, are renowned for their ability to capture large quantities of carbon,” said Steven Guilbeault, Minister of the Environment and Climate Change, who was in Châteauguay on November 15. This project will also obviously contribute to maintaining biodiversity, since the land targeted by this project is home to some twenty threatened plant species, including the only significant colony of barnyard hawthorn, which has been designated as threatened in Quebec."
The CMM is approaching owners of lots in the green corridor with a view to reaching an agreement. In 2023, it announced that it had reached a mutual agreement with 9 landowners for the acquisition of 35 hectares, representing a bill of nearly $4 million, paid in equal parts by the CMM and the Quebec government.