English stories

Châteauguay raises awareness to reduce water consumption

le vendredi 07 juin 2024
Modifié à
Par Tristan Ouimet


The city is launching an awareness campaign to reduce overconsumption of water (Photo: Archives)

In response to May’s hot weather, the City of Châteauguay is launching an awareness campaign to curb overconsumption of drinking water.

Translation Amanda Bennett

Under the slogan “Châteauguay, econeaumisez pour l’avenir” the campaign also aims to change certain behaviours in order to reduce the growing pressure on the drinking water distribution system.

The campaign will consist of “no fewer than 10 messages, each providing a statistic, a tip or a fact about water consumption in the Châteauguay area”, explained the municipality.

It will be presented in digital format, on social networks, as well as in print.

The campaign will highlight certain aspects of the municipality’s drinking water bylaws.

The campaign points out, for example, that Châteauguois use no less than 292 litres of water per day, compared with 223 litres for the Canadian average.

Water is a precious and indispensable resource, and one we don’t have in unlimited supply,” explained Mayor Eric Allard. Raising awareness about the overconsumption of drinking water is the next logical step in our actions. Together, through small simple gestures, we can make a difference, for the sake of future generations.”

To further reduce water consumption, the City has also installed two non-potable water intakes to meet its watering and cleaning needs.

The municipality supplies nearly 67,000 people with drinking water through the Régie intermunicipale d’aqueduc de la Vallée de Châteauguay (RIAVC), which provides service to the towns of Châteauguay, Mercier, Saint-Isidore, Sainte-Martine and Saint-Urbain-Premier, it explains on its website.

Potentially coloured water

During periods of high consumption, water flows more rapidly through the pipes, which can detach fine iron particles from the pipe walls, giving the water a yellowish or brownish colour, the city informs us.

Although these are unusual colours, Châteauguay assures consumers that the water remains safe to drink.

Should this type of situation arise, however, the municipality suggests that cold water taps be left running until the water becomes colourless again, an action that can take up to an hour.

Tips to avoid water consumption peaks

  • Use water from rainwater harvesting containers to water flowers and landscaping;
  • If you have an automatic sprinkler system, respect municipal regulations for lawn watering, i.e., Mondays between 9 p.m. and midnight for residences with even-numbered addresses, and Tuesdays between 9 p.m. and midnight for residences with odd-numbered addresses. If it has rained during the day, modify your system programming to avoid unnecessary watering;
  • Fill your spa or pool between 8 p.m. and 6 a.m. the following morning, to avoid peak periods and contravene municipal regulations;
  • There’s no need to drain the pool before filling it.

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