English stories

Possibility of a fisher in one of Châteauguay’s neighbourhoods

le mardi 23 avril 2024
Modifié à 15 h 47 min le 23 avril 2024
Par Tristan Ouimet


A fisher, a predator of small mammals. (Photo: Shutterstock)

On the evening of April 13, a local resident reportedly spotted a pair of fishers moving rapidly along Martel Street in Châteauguay. Two days later, Ms. Luce and others in her neighbourhood heard cries similar to those emitted by these North American predators that prey on small mammals.

Translation Amanda Bennett

While out for a walk with her dog, Sandra Luce spotted two animals that at first sight looked like dogs. When they quickly moved into the street, Ms. Luce heard clawing sounds, another characteristic of fishers.

“I saw two big animals,” she recounted. “When they started running, I heard a ‘tic, tic, tic’ on the ground. I looked them up on the Internet and they sounded like fishers. They can climb fences and trees. There have already been some sightings Kahnawake.”

The Châteauguay woman is concerned about this situation, because she suspects that fishers can also attack young children.

Dominic Gendron, Director of Land Protection and Development for Héritage Saint-Bernard, assured us that fishers are not a danger to children accompanied by their parents. However, Mr. Gendron pointed out that these beasts can attack small animals, such as kittens.

Sandra Luce was unable to take any photos or videos of the animals she saw.

Fishers in Châteauguay, a rare occurrence?

Dominic Gendron says that fishers are normally found in wooded areas of the city or even on Île Saint-Bernard, and not in Châteauguay neighbourhoods like that of Sandra Luce.

The Châteauguay Police Department (SPC) has not received any calls regarding the possible presence of fisher.